Plataforma giratoria para autos

Altura de la plataforma:personalizado Capacidad de carga:personalizado Tamaño de la plataforma:

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I still remember that doll turning in the shop window of a bakery in the city center, I was enchanted.
When you want to give more emphasis to what is shown (a display, an exhibition or any other event), the rotary motion adds interest to viewers. In other words, the possibility to turn or move loads like our car allows us, for example, to enter a road always looking the traffic side.
Entering the garage of your house from the front part of the car we are forced then to go out in reverse; it would be nice to turn around in a small space without having to do a thousand movements. The rotating platform of our production solves this problem with few changes to your garage and particularly with extreme simplicity and safety.
Todos los derechos reservados: Jinan Quentin Maquinaria S.A.  No. 13012343
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